SCL Care Ltd
Our Residents
Your Choice
At our homes, Residents are encouraged to be involved in the decision-making processes of the home. We respect our Residents’ right to voice their opinions, and make personal decisions. Residents make their own decisions about bedtime, getting up time, whether to stay in their own room or join others in the lounge, choice of where to have their dinner or breakfast etc. We have flexible visiting hours and all guests will be assured a warm welcome.
Committed to Quality
At our homes we are committed to providing a quality service. We have a comprehensive quality manual which incorporates our policies and procedures in terms of all aspects of the provision of care, with SCL Care Ltd’s Philosophy of Care at heart. A vital part of our approach to quality assurance is to involve Residents, relatives and their representatives and we endeavour to gain regular feedback from all concerned via formal and informal meetings.
Delicious Home Cooked Food
Meal times should be an enjoyable experience for our Residents. We pride ourselves on our choice of delicious and traditional home cooked dishes, with ingredients being selected on the basis of quality, taste and nutrition. Our cooks cater for a variety of tastes including special diets with attractive meals all ensuring a well balanced diet. A local family butcher provides our meats, and fresh seasonal vegetables and fruit are delivered regularly. Daily menus are displayed within the homes, and there is always a choice. Our dining rooms have a relaxed friendly atmosphere, where you can enjoy tasty and appetising meals amongst good company or you can choose to have your meals served in your room. For more information please see Our Food
Comforts of Home
In our care homes, we provide all the comforts of home without the worry of maintenance and chores. Our extensive services include a regular laundry service, cleaning, a visiting hairdresser, newspaper delivery and other services that the Resident can request. Residents are encouraged to retain their existing GPs where possible however alternative arrangements can be made by the managers if necessary. The homes can organise optical, dental and chiropody services.
Enjoy Life
We want our Residents to be happy and content. One of the delights of our homes is that you can choose to do as much or as little as you like. The homes offer a range of activities and gentle exercise classes throughout the year either from outside sources or our own talented staff. Whether pottering around in the garden, watching a video, enjoying a sing along by a visiting musician, exercise to music, reminiscence therapy or participating in a lively game of bingo, every Resident can participate in his or her favourite activity if he or she wishes.
All our homes have a sense of community spirit. We organise meetings where Residents, staff and relatives can decide which social events and activities they would like to pursue. Relatives and friends of our Residents are positively encouraged to attend various events and activities that take place. Outings are also arranged. For more information please see Our Activities
Homely Bedrooms
Great care has been taken to ensure that each room is comfortable and inviting and we positively encourage Residents to bring some familiar and favourite belongings to enhance their bedrooms’ homely atmosphere. All bedrooms are equipped with washing facilities, staff call system and are suitable for a television if the Resident so desires.