SCL Care Ltd
Our Care Services

Dementia Care

Residential Care
We offer tailored care and support for people over the age of 60 with varied and complex care needs. Our friendly, dedicated and highly trained staff team at each home are available 24 hours a day and are focused on providing the best quality of care which is tailored to the individual's needs. All of our care homes offer a multitude of different services including, residential care, dementia care, day care, respite care and palliative care.
Residential care is provided by trained carers for older people who find it increasingly difficult to manage at home without additional help and support. The care in our homes is based on kindness and professionalism to ensure each Resident enjoys a fulfilling life. It enables individuals to retain their independence with the reassurance that high-quality care is available 24 hours a day.
Residential or personal care is a good option for people who would benefit from added support with everyday tasks, such as washing, dressing and using the bathroom.
We ensure that the care given by our staff is not only the kindest possible, but is also delivered from a sound, professional knowledge base. Our Residents receive exceptional care delivered with thoughtfulness and respect, in a friendly, homely and supportive environment, where quality of life is paramount.
Dementia care is changing, and at SCL Care Ltd we embrace that change. Our care homes are specifically tailored to ensure comfort and familiarity to those living with memory loss.
Our staff are provided with on-going opportunities for learning and development to ensure that the care we provide always takes into consideration the latest advice and best practice techniques.
We also believe that every one of our Residents is a unique, special and deserving person, an ethos that can be found at the heart of all of our homes.
Care is individualised and based on a person’s life history, whilst also involving and empowering their families. We ensure that a Resident’s current strengths and abilities form the basis of their care, rather than focusing solely on their weaknesses or disabilities.

Day Care

Respite Care
Day care is the perfect choice for retired people who may live in their own home or with family, but would still like to enjoy new activities and make new friends with people of a similar age. Our day care services support people with a range of needs, from older people who want to increase their social engagement, to people who require care and support.
We offer a wide range of stimulating activities, in an enjoyable and safe environment. Our specialised activity programmes are designed to provide stimulation and enjoyment for all, through entertainment, exercise, reminiscence, sensory experiences, talking, games and much more.
Some guests come to us merely to relax with a newspaper in lovely surroundings, to enjoy being pampered by our hairdresser and to have a delicious home-cooked lunch served in our dining rooms or lounges.
Whatever you prefer, we offer a flexible day care service tailored to your needs. We welcome guests seven days a week, for either full or half days, for regular visits or only occasionally. As ever, you can be assured of personal service and a warm welcome!
We offer a range of short-term or respite care packages in our homes for people that do not require long stay or permanent admission to a care home.
Short stay care may be required for a number of reasons such as:
to enable home based carers the opportunity to take scheduled holidays or breaks throughout the year. This may be for a few days or a few weeks. Carers have peace of mind knowing that their relative is in a safe and homely environment with 24-hour care available.
when the normal package of care in a person’s usual place of care breaks down because the carer becomes ill.
Respite stays also build a relationship between the individual, the carer, the home and staff, that can be beneficial should a more permanent stay at the home become necessary at some point in the future.
Our aim is to help those who come to live with us, however short their stay, to remain in control of their own lives, as far as possible, and enable them to maintain their independence.

Palliative Care
Palliative care is provided for those Residents whose condition no longer responds to treatment. It requires a pro-active, compassionate approach that treats, comforts and supports individuals to enable them to live as well as possible until they die. It includes physical care, management of pain and other symptoms; the provision of psychological, social, spiritual and practical support is also important and it encompasses support for families and friends up to and including the period after death.
Palliative care enables Residents to live out their lives with dignity and respect, as well as offering support to families. It is a vital and integral part of all clinical practice, whatever the illness or its stage. We have the experience within our homes to provide the social and personal care that is appropriate. Our staff have had specialist training in end of life care and bereavement.